A little context goes a long way...
Only you can see your suggestions
When you begin working on a new feature, improvement, or even a simple fix, attach an intended outcome to the work you do.
Encourage your team to estimate how your work will affect your KPIs (or OKRs or whatever you choose to call your metrics). Write them down, and check back often.
Tell your team what you will and won't do as a manager. Write it down, too! Creating a stable and reliable baseline for your reports and your own manager is a valuable aspect of management. Read this post from Lara Hogan for inspiration: http://larahogan.me/blog/management-expectations/... See more
Time management!
Invoicing, taxes, health insurance, expenses, and many other things can be done by other people for a small fee. Get an accountant you trust, and leave the rest to services like JustWorks, Oscar, Freshbooks, etc.
Focus on doing great work for first-time clients. Repeat clients are significantly easier to manage.
When you're your own boss, you can't delegate. You have to get really good at prioritizing and keeping track of your responsibilities, and unfortunately, that's what freelancing is all about. Practice, be mindful of what you spend time and energy on, and give yourself a lot of slack.... See more
Many times, arrogance is compensation for vulnerability. When someone feels threatened, they may exhibit arrogance to protect their ego. If you can find what situations make them uncomfortable, you can avoid arrogant behavior.
Designers may feel uncomfortable with transparency because there's no precedent and lots of unknowns. Find a safe opportunity to demonstrate the value of transparency by volunteering to open up your own work, process, plan, or experiences.
Don't bring your laptop, put your phone on do not disturb, and try to listen actively.
Long 1-on-1s can get into the weeds, and cover too much ground to be actionable. I like to keep mine around 15 minutes.
Regular cadence is important. Don't let the other person skip, either — reschedule if needed.
Understand your intentions, and the intentions of the person receiving the feedback.
Maybe it’s “I don’t get it,” maybe it’s “This is so cool!” Hold on to that reaction. Take time to ask yourself: “why am I having this reaction?”
Even feedback with the best intentions can be unhelpful if it’s given at the wrong time. If the designer hasn’t asked for critique, but you still want to share your thoughts, reach out and suggest that you discuss when it’s the right time.
If you can’t find this information, ask questions.