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CEO + Co-Founder at Super Heroic
Jason Mayden, MS Designer + Entrepreneur-In-Residence | Accel Partners CEO + Founder Super Heroic Stanford d.School | Fmr. Design Exec. @Nike @JordanBrand
"Bout That Action, Boss" Method
A great tool for this is Strength Finders 2.0
After you review the Strength Finders results, schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with each critical member of your team. For large team, assign roles to managers and/or directors. If you don't have a design process and/or design ethos then creating those should be step #1.... See more
Design Days are where you allow the process step owners to lead and go deep in their respective owners. At Jordan/Nike, I called this "The 5 areas of Distinction". Each of these areas were intended to create a distinct product offering vs. a differentiated product offering. DD's allow each process owner to have a sense of agency and autonomy in how they work. Your role as a leader is to provide support and advise, not to dictate. Once again, if you have a solid design process, you won't have to be in the weeds. Empower your team and watch them grow.... See more
Every idea, sketch, insight should be brought to life on the spot. Keep maker material in easy accessible and well organized areas. This creates a central hub where Designer's can grab creative materials and bring their ideas to life.
By constantly inviting your audience or consumer into your process you are encouraging visual communication over verbal communication. Who doesn't like show and tell?
This is not the only way to do things. This is a fluid process that can and should constantly evolve based on the composition and needs of your team. If you stay in motion, you encourage growth, discourse and discovery.
The team that plays together, stays together.